Consumer directed residential services - using co-production as a framework for action

15 September 2016

Choice and control for older people and their allies are the central pillars of aged care reform in Australia. Consumer directed care for older people is being implemented across Australia. From February 2017 older people and their allies will be able to choose their provider. In addition, there is significant debate about the merging of Home Care Packages and the Commonwealth Home Support Program. However, the move to consumer directed residential care is moving at a slower pace.

Residential services, older people and their allies need to be active participants in this process. One way of thinking about how to redesign residential services is seeing older people and their allies as assets as key participants in this process. Using a co-production framework, residential services need to start thinking about how they involve people in service redesign. This requires a shift in thinking of staff, management, older people and their allies.

My paper at the Better Practice Conference in Launceston on Friday 16 September 2016 will argue there are six key steps that residential services can do to start this journey. Download a free guide - Nothing about us without us – older citizens co-producing residential services - six key steps. If you want to kick start a different way of providing residential services then attend a Co-production workshop in December 2016.