Implementing Wellness and Reablement in Community Aged Care


How can you apply the principles of wellness and reablement to your service?

What systems and processes does your agency need to implement wellness and reablement in working with older people and their allies?

How do you implement a wellness and reablement approach to encourage people to have the best life possible?

Course outline

This workshop will give staff the skills to implement person centred thinking to enhance the independence and wellbeing of older people, people with disabilities and their carers.

Workshop participants will:

  • understand the key principles of person centred thinking, wellness and reablement;
  • identify the research and evidence of wellness and reablement;
  • apply practical tools to support your practice and agency in implementing person centred thinking, wellness and reablement;
  • explore ways of measuring outcomes for older people and their carers;
  • identify their role as adaptive leaders and how they can lead change in their organisations;
  • identify systems and processes in your organisation that need to change to implement wellness and reablement with older people and their allies;
  • network and share practice ideas with managers, co-ordinators and team leaders.

Target audience

This workshop is designed for managers, team leaders, service coordinators and support facilitators and/or case managers.


This workshop can be delivered to aged and community care and disability services for up to 18 participants. The workshop can be tailored to the needs of specific individuals and groups.


4hours face to face. This course can also be delivered in 3 x 1 hour online workshops 

In-house programs

Ask us to run this course for your organisation. Contact us to discuss your requirements, ideas, and attendees.